The War Between Good and Evil
War is upon us. The enemy is not at the gates, the enemy is within. And the enemy is in control.
The enemy controls the main stream news media. It controls the social media, it controls many apps and it controls what information is fed to you day after day, brainwashing you into believing in fake news and a false narrative.
The Last Days may be upon us, only God knows for sure. What is certain is that the times are terrible — and getting worse.
I cannot recall a time in my 61 years of life, where such obvious lies have been taken at face value by half of the people of America. I don’t recall a time when our children have been brainwashed in schools to believe that socialism surpasses capitalism, a moral compass is only what is “fun,” “pleasurable” or “exciting” and that entitlement is simply the way things are.
Never has this happened in this country before.
“The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave,” well, we are sure putting that statement to a lie. We have put the cart before the horse, and been persuaded that government’s duty is to protect our health. Wrong.
That statement — and that position — is so very, very wrong.
American government was founded upon the principles that a government’s highest duty is to protect the Rights of the people. Not their health, not their entitlement, not their feelings. Hate speech is as essential in America as any other form of speech. We may not like it, but our Constitution was created to ensure everyone has the opportunity to freely speak their mind, voice their opinion — and then get on with their life.
Our nation was founded by men who believed in a Creator. “One Nation Under God,” and that God alone would be our ultimate judge, benefactor and provider. Not some imperial government ruling from a marbled capital far away.
And today this marbled capital with its hundreds of swarming parasites we call “politicians,” is not far away in terms of physical distance, it is far away in terms of what’s right, in terms of what’s fair, in terms of the everyday life of the average American and in terms of the rights of the people.
It is even farther away from the God who saw fit to create a nation “of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Science has replaced our God. Our own morality has replaced the 10 Commandments. Our selfishness and egotism has replaced those two commandments Jesus gave us; “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. ‘ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
We have surrendered our souls to our own pleasures, our own indulgences and our own vices and our debauchery reigns unchecked by any moral compass.
We have placed ourselves above God — and the state of our country today reflects that.
Very, very few people are dedicated to the Lord above, most do not know Him at all, although they profess to do so.
How do you know if you are among God’s children?
Fortunately, today, God has provided a very simple method. All of the following questions must be answered in the affirmative.
- Do you believe President Donald J. Trump was selected by God to lead this nation?
- Did you vote for President Donald J. Trump in the last election?
- Are you pro-life?
- Do you believe that evil is directing the Democratic Party, Joe Biden and other leaders of the Democrats? (Obviously, not all Democrats are demoncrats.)
- And finally, have you dedicated yourself to the praise and service of our God above, acknowledging Jesus as His only Begotten Son, born of a Virgin, crucified and resurrected on the 3rd day?
If you answered “No” to just one or two of these questions, I wouldn’t worry much, it just indicates you need to do some reassessing and get back on track with God.
If you answered “No” to 4 or 5 of the above questions, you are firmly in Satan’s camp.
“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within” — Will Durant
For 245 years, the United States has stood as the greatest nation upon the Earth.
We haven’t always been right. We haven’t always done right. And some of the wrongs we committed were committed intentionally.
Sometimes, led by misguided, greedy or evil leaders, we sought to destroy peoples, nations and ways of life.
Now, today, we are destroying ourselves.
We seem ignorant of the principles upon which this nation was founded.
We seem ignorant of the rights the government was constituted to protect.
We seem ignorant that God has breathed His Breath into every pregnancy.
We seem ignorant of that God who not only gave us a nation of rich resources, natural beauty and freedom, governed by fair and just laws (but not always equitably enforced), and gave us a nation where any person, of any color, of any religion, faith or ethnicity, could work hard and make their dreams come true.
We not only seem ignorant of all of these, today we are making these illegal, regulating them, or of making what God says was wrong into what man says is right.
We are at war. The war is within. But this is not a war of violence, weapons, hate and anger. This is a war between good and evil, right and wrong, God and the devil.
We fight this war not through weapons of war, but through the apparatus of peace.
We choose to fight through the means of prayer, dedication to God and love for all.
This is not a war that can be won by man. But every man and woman must play their part.
Salvation is based on faith. True faith is expressed through works. No works: no faith. No faith: no salvation.
It is not necessary to be a saint or try to evangelize the whole world-or even your neighbors.
God has given you a gift. This gift is uniquely yours, granted to you freely by God.
All you have to do is find it, then use it.
Our war is not physical, it is spiritual. Our kingdom, our Home, is not of this world, it is of Heaven above.