The Myth of Gender Equality
Gender equality is a myth, it is a fiction perpetrated by those who seek “social justice” at the expense of individual rights.
This story was written with the assistance of an AI writing program.
Gender equality is a myth, it is a fiction perpetrated by those who seek “social justice” at the expense of individual rights.
Let me explain.
Let’s say you’re a woman.
Let’s further say you’re a woman in a professional position who is at the top of her game. You have few that can perform at the same high level that you do.
To get there, you’ve sacrificed — a lot!
You’ve worked hard for years, honing your skills, refining your techniques, attending professional training — on your own time and at your own expense.
You’ve worked long hours, often at the office until late after every else went home at 5.
Sometimes you’ve worked until midnight — or later.
There are many, many times you’ve taken your work home with you.
There are many times you've taken your work home with you over the weekend.
By choice, to get ahead in your job, you’ve neglected time with your husband or significant other, you’ve neglected time with your children, you’ve neglected time with your mom and dad, you’ve neglected time with your friends.
All so you could get ahead at work.
You’ve worked hard. You’re a professional.
And your bosses have noticed.
Your company has noticed.
Your peers have noticed.
You’ve received reward after reward, promotion after promotion and raise after raise.
You work in an all-female business in the company of your peers.
You work hard, you make good money, you’ve received all the accolades and rewards someone like you would be expected to receive.
What has been told is, that, men can perform just a tiny bit better at the same tasks that you do.
And now, a transgender woman begins working at your company.
She calls herself Fredina, but says you can call her “Freddie.”
She works hard, but not as hard as you.
She works long hours, but not as long as you.
And when some project is pushing against a deadline, she stays late sometimes, but not as late as you.
Despite this — she working just a bit less than you, her performance is on par with your own.
Sometimes she exceeds your performance — working much less. Only because biologically she is a male and you are a female.
Now the big project comes up.
Two teams are selected to work on the project. Only one team will win.
Fredina is on the opposite team.
Your bosses have promised you a big promotion, a big raise and an office, graduating you from your cubicle, if your team wins the project.
You work long hours, again staying long past everyone else at work.
Fredina usually goes home at 5 with everyone else.
You sacrifice seeing your daughter’s first dance recital.
You sacrifice your son’s championship soccer game.
You sacrifice, again, time with your significant other.
Fredina doesn’t, not as much as you.
A month goes by, two then three.
Six months go by, you and the entire company are exhausted, but especially you because you’ve put in so much extra time, energy and work, sacrificing your family to get the job done.
You tell your boss the job is completed, you and your team are ready to make the presentation. He tells you he will see you at 11 AM on Friday for your presentation, he says Fredina and her team have also completed their presentation, and he’ll schedule Fredina’s team’s presentation for 1 PM the same day.
What do you feel?
Are you worried? Concerned? Do you think Fredina’s team will beat out your team?
They’ve worked less than you, they’ve spent a good portion at each day at the water cooler, they haven’t stayed late.
At 11 AM on Friday you go into the office and make your presentation.
It goes well.
Your boss says you and your team have done an outstanding job, it’s excellent work and he’s very proud of you and the whole team.
At 1 PM Fredina’s team makes their presentation. An hour later, just as long as your presentation required, they step out of the office, all their faces are beaming, big smiles all around.
A few minutes later the boss informs you that he will meet with you and your team in his office at 4:30 to discuss the results.
It’s 4:30 PM. Are you nervous? What do you expect? Will you win?
Your boss tells he admired all your hard work, the many long hours you put in and that he is very pleased at the outstanding work you and your team have done.
But, he says, Fredina’s team did just a little bit better.
And Fredina, who’s been there less than a year, who has worked much less than you, hasn’t made the many personal and family sacrifices you made, will be moving into the office that would have been yours, if a transgender woman, had not taken your spot.
How do you feel?
Is that fair?
When biology determines who wins and who loses; the fact that a man is biologically — as in physiologically — better than a woman in some fields, then those fields should be differentiated — divided by sexes — by biology, then to be fair to the person — the individual — certain areas, particularly sports, should be differentiated according to biology.
America is based on the individual, on individual values, on individual rights, not social values, not social causes, not social rights.
And not on some misplaced, deeply erroneous, perverted view of “social justice.”