The AntiChrist
This is from the book “The Book of Revelation: An Interpretation for Today”
The following is a speculative interpretation of the AntiChrist and his actions during the End Days.
1 John 2:18, 1 John 4:3 and 2 John 1:7, all indicate that the AntiChrist (Satan) has been with us at least since the time of Christ and most likely from the beginning of time.
After Jesus’ ascension or within a short period thereof, the AntiChrist steadily begins to gain power.
On the 1290th day (year) of this period, an entity is established representing the embodiment of the AntiChrist upon Earth.
More properly, this entity would represent the spirit or power of the AntiChrist. Beginning with this date then, the power and influence of the AntiChrist grows rapidly and his deceit and lies influence more and more of humanity.
The true knowledge of God steadily declines while the false doctrine of the AntiChrist spreads across Earth.
It seems there may be two seven week end time periods.
The AntiChrist’s influence begins at the beginning of the first seven week period and then his power is embodied into an entity upon Earth at the end of the first 3 ½ days, (1290 days).
From this midpoint, a resurgence in Biblical knowledge and truth begins.
This may correspond with the Protestant Reformation of 1517 or it could represent a future event or both.
For the next 3½ days (years), the power and influence of the AntiChrist steadily grows and his deceit and lies turn more and more people from God.
However, there is a remnant of Believers who hear, recognize and spread the Truth of God’s Word to a slowly increasing number of people. The end of this latter 3 ½ day period heralds a new era for the AntiChrist and may represent the beginning of the final seven actual years of Earth — if our guess is correct.
Operating through the power and authority of ten “kings” — corporate heads or leaders or men of great influence — the AntiChrist (working from behind the scenes) (out of public view and knowledge) creates a world grown cold of love.
It is a cynical world of self pleasure through entertainment, media and sports. Sexual immorality and perversion runs rampant. Drugs and other addictions are standard for many people. Crime and violence are commonplace. Corruption and power are the accepted norm and politics and economics are the toys of the ten kings.
The AntiChrist has created a new “Babylon,” both the place — Babylon 1 — and the “thing” — Babylon 2.
Babylon 2 is the world culture which encompasses the world of man.
Babylon 1 is a great nation — probably a democracy — although the ten toes shows that a worldwide system of democracies exists at this time — that foments corruption, immorality, war, the love of riches, plagues, famine and disease around the world — often covertly — from behind the scenes to consolidate power and wealth to the ten kings.
Babylon 1 is a great nation — probably one of, if not the most powerful military and economic power of the time (and perhaps of all time).
This is told to us by Revelation 18:17 “great wealth,” Revelation 18:9–16; merchants, kings and cargo and entertainment, music and sports by verse 22a. This nation is also a great producer of goods to the world as is indicated by verse 22b and 23. Verse 23 may also refer to media and communications.
The military power of Babylon 1 is nearly invincible; Revelation 13:4, Daniel 11:36 and 39 and Isaiah 47:8.
With the destruction of Babylon 1, and in a world torn by war between nations and civil strife within nations, the AntiChrist will step up as a man of peace bringing peace to the world, but it will all be a deception.
The destruction of Babylon 1 begins the second seven day period. For the first 3 ½ years, all will be well. The promises made will seem to have been kept, the turmoil and wars of the Earth will have ceased, peace will be everywhere. During this final first 3 ½ days, the Church will experience a Great Revival.
The Truth will be preached to all nations and Christianity will make great gains and enormous strides in its outreach and missionary work. Many, many people will turn to Christ due to this Great Revival. But all this is a false peace because midway through this final seven day period, the AntiChrist will reveal his true character.
He will begin a worldwide pogrom against Christians, hunting them down and killing them. He will convince the people of the world that this is the right thing to do because he is God and these Christians do not worship him as God and the people of the world join in with this slaughter turning in and killing Christian friends and neighbors.
He may also initiate war against those nations not directly under his control conquering many of them. Nations war against nations, civil order evaporates, gangs and militias roam the streets and natural disasters and climatic changes produce famines, disease, plagues and drought upon Earth. The water is unsafe and available food disappears. Earth may pass through the tail of a comet which precipitates a new wave of disease and disaster upon Earth.
The nations gear up for a final battle, the tanks roll, bombs drop and nuclear war erupts.
At this moment Jesus appears.
The wars stop and Jesus judges Satan and the unbelievers to the lake of fire.
The people of Earth finally recognize God and Jesus as Lord of Earth. Those who were killed by Satan and the people of Earth during the preceding 3 ½ years become coregents with Christ of God’s Millennial Kingdom.
This description of the AntiChrist and his times may or may not be true.
You will have to consider it carefully and weigh it against what God is speaking to your heart.
Let’s weigh my speculation against the commentary of the early church fathers. The early church fathers were all taught by the Apostles, who were taught by Jesus or were students of the apostles who passed down the Teaching they received from Jesus.
This Teaching became corrupted rapidly. But the early fathers Hippolytus, Irenaeus and Justin Martin, all agreed on several key factors of the AntiChrist:
- Satan will appear in the flesh as a man in order to direct the worship of people to him and to reign as king over mankind. 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.
- He will be a Jew, proclaiming himself to be the long awaited Messiah of the Jews. Judaism will accept his claim. The AntiChrist will take the throne in the rebuilt temple becoming the “abomination that causes desolation.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.
- The AntiChrist is the little horn of the fourth beast of Daniel 7. Slaying three other “kings,” he will rule as an eighth king along with the other seven.
- The AntiChrist will attain power by bringing peace. He will come declaring “peace and safety.” This begins his seven year reign. This also initiates the return of the daily sacrifice in the temple in Jerusalem.
- The AntiChrist will rule peacefully for three and a half years. At the end of the first three and a half years he will begin a persecution of Christians around the world because True Believers know who he is and can see through his deception. He will have deceived all others into believing he is God. People will participate in these killings thinking they are doing good for God.
The early church fathers also agree that the AntiChrist will establish his own kingdom (the current country of Israel?) and make Jerusalem his capital city. This occurs sometime after the destruction of Babylon 1.
In fact it is this act, the destruction of Babylon 1, that may usher in the AntiChrist and ensure his rise to power.
I can make no speculation as to the identity of the AntiChrist except to say that I believe he is alive now. The early church fathers also said that speculating about his name or trying to identify him by the number of his name was useless speculation.
They said the AntiChrist would reveal himself through his actions and it is those actions alone which will confirm to True Believers that he is the AntiChrist.
The number 666 will only serve to confirm his identity after it has been established by his actions.
Isaiah 46:11 “From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far off land, a man to fulfill my purpose,” suggests that the AntiChrist comes from east of the place he comes to power in.
Could this be Africa? Kenya maybe? Having said that, allow me to throw my hat in the ring by translating Luke 10, verse 18: (Jesus is speaking) He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” That seems a fairly innocuous verse without any hidden import. It seems to mean exactly what it says, but does it?
The Bible has been translated from language to language, and, in many cases, the original root words have disappeared, been mistranslated and buried through translation after translation. However, this verse is short and seems to say exactly what it means. As a result, there isn’t too much speculation or interpretation involved with this verse; it has come down to us exactly as written, (as far as we know).
The New Testament was originally written in Greek and the Old Testament in Aramaic and Hebrew. Jesus spoke Aramaic which is an old form of Hebrew.
Jesus said that he saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Lightning, according to Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary, online version, is word number 1299 or baraq.
To fall from heaven, or to fall from the heights, as it is translated in some editions, is the same word in Hebrew; word number 1116: bammaw. To connect the words together in English we use from, in Hebrew it is a different word but it still connects two words together in the same manner as “from” or “from the”.
From the Hebrew, this word is represented as one sound, “u” or “o” could be used to create the same sound. Satan is the same in both English and Hebrew.
So reading the last part of Luke 10, verse 18 we have, “He replied, ‘I saw Satan barak u bam-maw.’” I don’t know if this speculation is accurate or not. Perhaps Aramaic and Hebrew are so different that Jesus said something entirely different than “..barak u bam-maw.”
I make no claim or argument that Barak Obama is the AntiChrist nor do I know if his name adds up to 666.
The early fathers said that we would recognize the AntiChrist by what he does not by his name or the number of his name.
“The Book of Revelation: An Interpretation for Today”
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