Is the CCP as Bad as Hitler?

Perry Jones
8 min readSep 16, 2020

Is the CCP as bad as Hitler? No, it’s far worse.

The CCP has “governed” China for over 70 years, since the defeat of the Nationalists by the CCP in 1949.

Today, we see an unstable “government” threatening and menacing its neighbors, threatening the world, bullying all those who cross it’s path, hunting down and exterminating those who disagree with its policies, silencing others by threats and intimidation and mocking peace, law and order and the stability, not only of its own region, but of the entire world.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claims that the situation in the South China Sea is at a boiling point and that it may have to act first if conditions continue to deteriorate.

In order to assess exactly what is “deteriorating,” we must first determine what exactly is happening.

The CCP is claiming that conditions at its periphery, within the South China Sea and the attitude of many world nations toward China (the CCP) is changing for the worse.

This is an unusual claim.

If we consider the South China Sea, we note that none of the regional powers, i.e. Australia, the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia or South Korea toward the north have changed their policies or activities within the region for the past few decades. This leaves only those powers outside the immediate region to consider as potentially being provocateurs.

Again, we observe that neither the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Russia, India nor the United States have substantially changed their patrols or routines within the region for the past 70 years.

This is like observing a pot of water on a stove. For the past 70 years it has simply been sitting there without change. Now an observer is claiming that the pot is heating up and the water within is near to the point of boiling over. Of course, this would be a catastrophe for the region.

But if none of the assumed provocateurs have made substantial changes to their routines in 70 years, that can only mean a new actor has arrived on the scene and is stirring up trouble.

To identify this actor, we need only observe which actor is making the greatest claims and or which actor is making the greatest changes to the norm in the region.

For both of these, it is the CCP which is making the greatest claims and conducting massive changes within the South China Sea. The PLAN, People’s Liberation Army Navy, has been expanding in the region, creating artificial islands, militarizing these manmade islands, conducting aggressive patrols, seizing territory from other nations, sinking fishing boats and killing the sailors and fishermen of other countries.

It is clear from these actions, that there is no other actor to consider for disturbing the peace and stability of the South China Sea other than the CCP.

In the years prior to World War 2, Neville Chamberlain met with Adolf Hitler in an attempt to stem the fall toward war. However, his actions did not prevent war, they instead provoked it.

Chamberlain gave a section of Czechoslovakia to Hitler without consultation or agreement from the Czech government. In addition, Germany, under control of Hitler and the Nazi Party, annexed Austria and Hungary.

Hitler claimed that these territories rightly belonged to Germany because of ethnic and historical reasons. Germans lived in the area and history had shown that the regions were either once part of Germany or had been under control of Germanic forces or were heavily influenced by Germanic suasions at some point in history.

This is the same claim that Xi Jinping is making regarding the South China Sea and the territory surrounding China.

Xi and the CCP have claimed portions — or all of — not only the South China Sea, but also Vietnam, North Korea, Russia, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, among others. It appears that Xi is following Hitler’s playbook; claim territory that does not now nor ever did belong to you and let the other countries try to stop you from claiming it or seizing it.

The western world’s overlooking of these encroachments by Hitler in the 1930’s led directly to World War 2. Any forceful rebuttal by any western nation against these actions may have prevented World War 2 and the 60 million deaths and billions of dollars of devastation it left behind.

In addition, Hitler built a series of concentration camps to house — and kill — those who disagreed with his methods or whom Hitler considered undesirable for one reason or another.

Xi and the CCP is doing the same today with dozens, possibly hundreds of concentration camps, “re-education camps,” stretching across the Xinjiang province of China and in which hundreds and possibly thousands of people — mostly Uighurs (a Muslim minority) — are tortured to death or killed each week.

Just as Hitler had little to no regard for his own people other than as a source of revenue, cannon fodder and factory worker drones, neither does the CCP have any concern for the Chinese citizen. This is evidenced in its actions daily and throughout its 70-year bloody history.

Mao led the CCP in exterminating millions of Chinese citizens during the civil war ending in 1949 and in the Cultural Revolution. Millions died. In Tiananmen Square on the night and early morning of June 3rd, 4th of 1989, CCP soldiers opened fire on thousands of innocent, unarmed protestors in Tiananmen Square.

Beginning in March of 1989, hundreds, then thousands, then millions of Chinese citizens from all walks of life — bankers, housewives, college students, high school students, laborers, farmers, police, soldiers, CCP members, office workers et al, all took to the streets to demand peaceful change and peaceful reform. The CCPs own official records indicate that more than 100 million people in over 350 Chinese cities were demonstrating. As the government ignored their demands for reform, the protests slowly dwindled until just a hundred thousand people, mostly college students, all demonstrating peacefully, all unarmed, remained in Tiananmen Square.

They were demonstrating for peaceful change, greater democracy, rights, justice and universal suffrage but the CCP leaders determined that instead of peaceful change, instead of recognizing the legitimate rights of the people, instead of listening to the people and reaching a compromise, the status quo must be maintained, and that, at the force of arms.

As a result, tanks, armored vehicles and trucks filled with soldiers, under cover of darkness, rolled into Tiananmen Square, through the barricades the students had erected, burning the barricades, shooting indiscriminately at anyone who moved, tanks and armored vehicles crushing dozens of people beneath their tracks, bullets ripping through the bodies of young, innocent, unarmed children — mostly college students.

By the CCPs own recently released estimate, over 10,000 students were killed in the massacre.

Lest we, as the western world forget, or mistake, the CCP as being anything other than a bloodthirsty evil upon the face of the Earth, all we have to do is look at its most recent actions against its own citizens.

In Hong Kong, the citizens continue their struggle for liberty, rights, freedom, justice and universal suffrage despite over a year’s long campaign against them by the Hong Kong authorities, directed by the CCP, and which has led to thousands of people — again mostly young people and college students, being jailed, raped, beaten, tortured and killed. Over 2,000 young people and students have been killed by the Hong Kong police, the “white shirt gangs” and elements of authority directed by the Hong Kong government and the CCP.

With these actions and others; tearing down homes of people to build office towers, malls, apartment complexes, factories and other structures, the expenses of which go into the pockets of CCP officials; ripping down churches across the country, beating and threatening anyone who would dare take issue with the Party or its policies; jail, beat and seize the property of dissenters; extinguish news not favorable to the party, threaten Chinese students and activists overseas; conducting monkey trials and holding kangaroo courts of any who dare speak against the CCP; restricting the movement of its own citizens and utilizing threatening measures and bullying tactics to keep its people in line, even those residing in other countries, it is clear the CCP has no concern nor regard for its own people. It thinks and cares only for itself. Just as Hitler and the Nazi Party viewed German citizens as only a source of revenue, as worker-drones for its factories and as cannon fodder for its army and military forces, so too does Xi Jinping and the CCP perceive the people of China only as a source of revenue, as factory worker drones whose labor-profit lines the pockets of CCP bosses and as fodder for its expanding military.

In the years prior to World War 2, Hitler expanded, modernized and strengthened his military “solely for defensive requirements.” This was clearly a lie because Hitler continued to expand and strengthen his military until it out ranked by several measures of magnitude any other continental European power except the Soviet Union.

Today, the CCP is conducting a mirror image of Hitler’s military expansion and strengthening. Claiming that this is solely for “defensive” purposes, the CCP has already exceeded the military strength of any regional nation and it continues on a breakneck pace to enlarge and strengthen its military most likely planning to make it the largest and most capable in the world.

For this clear threat to the world community and world peace, the CCP makes no apology and indeed claims that it is only responding to “threats,” without recognizing that the only threats to world peace or regional peace and stability are the CCP and its military arm. And, most of these “threats” are “threats” that the CCP itself has created by its aggressive actions, bullying tactics and wanton disregard of international law or norms or the treaties it has signed with other nations.

The CCP is not a legitimate government by any meaning. It seized control of China by force, it rules ruthlessly without the consent of the governed (whom it perceives and keeps as slaves) and it uses threats, bullying and violence to enforce its intent upon not only its own people, but all the world.

The CCP is an international criminal organization and the nations and peoples of the world need to name it openly as such, recognizing the Federal State of China as the proper, legal and legitimate government of China, the government-in-exile of Tibet as the sole and legitimate government of Tibet and the government of Taiwan as the legitimate and proper representative of the nation of Taiwan.

The actions of Hitler and his Nazi Party pale in comparison to those of the CCP especially during the last several years and under the malevolent guidance of its despot, “President-for-life,” Xi Jinping. The CCP is a dangerous, bloody and corrupt evil upon the face of the Earth. The sooner this evil is exorcised, the sooner that international statesmen and stateswomen of cooler demeanor, more rational paradigms and easier dispositions can meet to discuss and rectify some of the world’s many problems.



Perry Jones
Perry Jones

Written by Perry Jones

Urban philosopher, author, teacher, American.

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