Awakenings: The Secret Teachings of Getting Rich
This morning, I woke to sunshine after last night’s rain 🌧️.
The power was restored, and I felt an extraordinary sense of renewal.
At my window, I watched the pond near my house.
The fish seemed to play tag, joyful in their fresh, rain-filled water.
The trees and shrubs glistened in vivid green, and the sky shone a brilliant blue with a scattering of clouds.
It hit me like lightning ⚡: Everything in nature simply is.
The fish, the trees, the flowers, the shrubs — they live fully and effortlessly as they were created to be.
No one teaches a tree how to grow, or a dog how to be a dog. They act out of their true nature, with 100% authenticity.
But humans?
We complicate things.
We think we need to become something, often chasing societal definitions of success.
We hustle, we grind, we push — and often, we fail. Ads don’t convert. Sales calls fall flat. Efforts to “try harder” leave us overworked and burnt out.
🌳 Nature teaches us something profound: Growth isn’t about pushing. It’s about being.
The fish in the pond weren’t striving — they were simply living their fullest fish life. And in doing so, they experienced abundance, health, and joy.
Infinite abundance is part of our true nature too. But we lose it when we act in contradiction to our unique path.
When we align with who we truly are, when we give fully of ourselves in the way only we can, abundance flows effortlessly.
Instead of “pushing” for success, focus on being — fully present, fully alive, and fully aligned with your path.
Wealth, happiness, and fulfillment aren’t things we need to chase. They are the natural byproducts of living in harmony with our true selves.
💭 What’s one way you can focus on being instead of pushing today?
🌟 Morning Reflections: The Richness We Already Possess 🌟
Every morning, I begin my day with an hour or more of reading the Bible — a grounding practice that connects me to deeper truths.
Today, as I gazed out my window after my reading, watching the fish play in the pond and the trees stretch into the sunlit sky, I was struck by a profound realization:
Getting rich is not something we “do”; it’s something we are.
The fish in the pond, the vibrant flowers, even the clouds and last night’s rain — they are all “rich” in their own way. They don’t strive for it. They simply exist, fulfilling their purpose with completeness and grace.
And it dawned on me that the same is true for us.
In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus reveals an extraordinary truth: It’s not our job to “get rich.”
Because that’s the Father’s job.
We are already rich. Richness is woven into the fabric of our existence when we align ourselves with the purpose for which we were created.
Jesus tells us that if we plant seeds, we will reap thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times more than what we sow. But the key is this: We must plant those seeds with faith and follow the Father’s will — the unique path He has laid out for us.
When we act in harmony with that path, the rewards are not just spiritual but also material.
The Bible says, “The wise man’s house is filled with treasure and the richest of blessings.”
But notice: The wise man’s treasure is not built on “pushing” or striving.
It comes from giving — giving from what he has, not what he does not.
When we operate from a place of abundance and gratitude, rather than desperation or lack, we open ourselves to receive blessings beyond our imagining.
God’s dreams for us are infinitely bigger than our own.
When we stop trying to force wealth and instead align ourselves with our purpose — living fully, giving fully, and trusting fully — we receive health, happiness, and wealth as natural byproducts of that alignment.
💡 The takeaway? We don’t have to “get” rich. We simply need to be who we are called to be, plant our seeds with faith, and trust that God will bring forth the harvest.
How can you plant your seeds today, trusting in the abundant riches that are already yours? 😊
Three Phrases
As I reflected on the beauty of the world this morning, several phrases tumbled out of my mind, each one a revelation. I wrote them down, feeling their weight and clarity:
1️⃣ “If you want more, you must give more.” This isn’t just about material giving — it’s about offering your time, energy, talents, and love. Abundance flows naturally when we open ourselves to give freely.
2️⃣ “Find out what you can give, and do more of that.” What are your unique gifts? What do you love to share with the world? Focus on those, and you’ll not only create value for others but also find joy and fulfillment in the process.
3️⃣ “Find out what you can give that people want, then give as much of that as you can.” It’s not enough to give; it’s about giving in a way that resonates with others. Discover what people truly value and need, and then pour yourself into providing it with generosity and purpose.
Each of these phrases serves as a compass, guiding us to a life not only of material abundance but also of deeper meaning and connection.
They remind us that true wealth comes from the act of giving, and the more we give in alignment with our gifts and the needs of others, the richer we become in every sense of the word. 🌟
Starting From Where You Are
A simple truth revealed itself to me: “You cannot start from where you are not; you must begin from where you are.”
This is a call to honesty and clarity.
So often, we get caught up in chasing ideals or imagining a future self, forgetting that all transformation begins with an honest acknowledgment of the present.
The Essence of Giving
Following this, another truth struck: “You cannot give what you do not have.”
This is where so many of us stumble. We try to “do, do, do” so that we can “have, have, have,” yet the real question is whether we are being who we are.
Society teaches us a backward paradigm: Work → Make Money → Be Happy. But life doesn’t work that way.
True happiness is not something we achieve after laboring endlessly. It is derived from living authentically — being who we are — and sharing that self with the world.
Living Authentically and Sharing Your Wealth
Happiness and wealth flow naturally when we:
Find what part of our experience resonates with others.
Share that experience deeply, authentically, and generously.
Recognize the intrinsic value of our labor and charge accordingly.
The Bible says, “The workman is worthy of his labor.”
This reminds us that wages are not a gift; they are an obligation, a fair exchange for the value provided.
When we embrace the fullness of our authentic selves and share that with others, we create wealth — not just for ourselves, but for everyone we touch.
A New Paradigm
If what we’re offering now doesn’t resonate, we can simply shift to another part of our experience.
We are already rich.
The key is finding the aspects of ourselves that others value and are willing to compensate us for — and sharing those aspects as profoundly as possible, with as many people as we can.
In doing so, we align with the true nature of abundance:
Living authentically.
Giving generously.
Receiving joyfully.
The Infinite Universe and the Myth of Scarcity
As I observed the pond, the fish swimming freely, the vibrant greenery of life all around, the clouds drifting above the mountain, and remembered the nourishing rain of the night before, a realization struck me:
The universe is infinite.
Society often teaches us that to have more, we must be more, do more, or work harder. Worse, it tells us we must first “fix ourselves,” as though we are broken. But none of that is true.
We are not broken.
We do not need to become something we are not. The truth is simple yet profound: we are enough.
There is nothing we need to fix — only something to uncover.
We do not need to take more or diminish others. We need only to fully be who we already are, and to act from that authentic self.
Sharing Grows the Pie
In society’s worldview, the pie is finite.
If one person gets more, another must get less. This belief fuels competition, scarcity, and fear.
But the universe doesn’t operate that way. The abundance of life teaches us that sharing who we truly are does not take away from others — it grows the pie for everyone.
When we act authentically and share generously from our experience, we contribute something unique and valuable to the world. And in doing so, we create more for ourselves and others.
This aligns perfectly with the wisdom Jesus shared in the Parable of the Sower: “Some will receive 30, 60, or 100 times what they have sown.”
The size of the harvest depends not on competition or scarcity but on the depth and authenticity of what we sow into the world.
The Abundance of Being
To “get more,” society says we must take more. But life itself teaches us otherwise:
When rain falls, it nourishes all without discrimination.
When the sun shines, it fuels growth in plants and warms the earth.
When the fish swim, they thrive simply by existing in their natural state.
They don’t “take.” They give — rain gives life, sun gives energy, fish give balance to their ecosystem. And in giving, they create abundance.
The same principle applies to us.
We receive back what we give.
If we want more, we must give more — not by overextending or becoming something we’re not, but by fully being who we already are and sharing that with the world.
When we live authentically and act with generosity, we align with the infinite abundance of the universe. We plant seeds of value, and in return, we harvest blessings 30, 60, or 100 times what we’ve sown. It’s not our job to get rich, that’s God’s job, we just have to plant the seeds, God will see to the rest.