American Anthem
We may seek a world of peace,
We may desire a world of abundance,
And we can work toward a world without violence,
But that does not mean we must become weak,
for weakness is an invitation to the strong who will use their strength as a bully.
That does not mean we must become passive, because passivity invites aggression,
And that does not mean we impose our will or policies on others for such is simply arrogance.
We choose to be strong because strength can prevent war and aggression to ourselves, our friends and allies.
We choose to be engaged because only engagement can encourage dialogue,
And we choose to build because we build toward a better tomorrow.
Our nation has done much good in the world, but also much wrong.
We have built bridges while destroying buildings.
We have planted seeds but burned forests,
And we have opposed tyranny while subverting the rights of our own citizens.
We have been a nation headed into decline, racing toward an abyss.
But I see a different future.
We can turn aside from our headlong destruction and take another path.
We can slow our breakneck pace toward oblivion so we have a chance to breathe.
We can stop running and begin to walk to reflect and spend some time with our families, our friends and our God.
We are a nation faced with tough challenges, great obstacles and serious choices.
But with God on our side, no challenge is too tough, no obstacle too great and no choice too difficult.
We are a nation divided.
We are divided between the left and the right.
We are divided between Democrats and Republicans.
We are divided between liberal and conservative.
We are divided between Big Business and the man in the street.
We are divided between black and white.
We are divided between Christian and Muslim.
We are divided today, but in our differences lies our strength.
We are divided today, but we are united in our opposition toward radical, violent Islam.
We are divided today in our cities and towns but we are united in our opposition toward gangs, violence and drugs.
We are divided today in our budget, but we are united in building a better America for all.
We are America. We don’t always get along but we always work together when we must.
We are America, we may not always know what’s best, but we always try our hardest.
You are America, full of contradictions, aware of challenges, beautiful, strong, great, special.
You are America, and we must work together to build a better America.
You are America and it’s time to get back to work.
I believe we can work together in spite of our differences.
I believe we can build better; better bridges, better highways, better schools.
I am mission focused and results oriented. I don’t care where an answer comes from as long as it gets the job done.
I don’t care if a Democrat or Republican presents a solution as long as it works, and I don’t care if a resolution is presented by private industry or the public sector as long as we get more people working.
Being mission focused and results oriented does not mean that the results justifies the means, far from it.
Rather the means must be aligned with the 10 Commandments and the ends must glorify God.
Our nation was founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic.
When we recognized God we remained strong.
When we began to deny Him, we began to decline.
Our greatness was not derived from human minds, it was a gift from the wisdom of God.
Our industriousness was not from human hands, it was a privilege from the Lord Above.
And our prosperity was not because of American’s striving, it was a blessing from God.
The Good Lord blessed America.
He can also take that blessing away.
But today, I believe, He is bringing a restoration to America, to the United States of America.
He is blessing us once more, he is blessing us with prosperity and he is blessings us with His Presence upon each person, family, business and home.
I ask for God’s blessings upon America, I ask for His Son Jesus to heal the wounds that divide us, and I ask that each of us take a moment to pray for each other, to find the good in our own hearts and to match that goodness within to the goodness in the heart of he or she who may oppose us.
God heals; Jesus, us, and you are the instrument to get the job done; America is the instrument to bring Jesus to the world.
Let’s get to work America, let’s get the job done.
America First, American Strength